Thursday, 20 February 2014

5 web design tips to increase conversion rate

A well known saying is “Presentation is the whole lot”, this proverb is best in case of webs designing. After all the purpose of web designing is to attract visitors to your website and convince them to take further action that can vary in different cases e. g make  a purchase of your product, join your community, get your business services etc. Business success depends a lot on these website conversions. It’s natural that every business owner wants to turn website visitors to potential customers. If your website is getting a huge pile of traffic but you are not getting any response from visitors i.e. conversion rate is not improving then it means there must b something wrong with your web design that is going against your efforts to increase conversion rate. Such websites may have simple problems with design and by working on some basic guidelines you can observe a definite positive change in conversion rate at a minimal expense that will in return boost your business.
  • Use updated web design
There’s always some latest trend or emerging techniques that allows designers to improve website design. If your website is based on an outdated web technology likes 3 to 5 years old design then it’s time to enhance your web design with some latest tools. And never shy to update your company logo to give it a more modern look. Research has revealed that organizations can realize amazingly increased conversion rate with a shift to a new website design. 
  • Use Perfect & unique images
Now people want to experience websites rather than just browsing. Adding gorgeous and relevant images not only enhances user experience but also raises chances of higher conversion and let you better connect with target audience. Try to use unique images of your business on your website that doesn’t seem ordinary. Audience is always interested in themselves rather in your company or product. Ultimately it’s ‘me’ factor that does the magic. Make your visitors realize that they are on right track. Perfect the image choosing art in order to get a higher conversion rate.
  •  Use attractive headlines
Headlines have a great impact because of two reasons; to gain visitors attention to content and for SEO point of view as well. Weak headlines never draw user attention and fail to engage them. Try to test different headlines and configure out the most important one. Always use short ones comprising your main keywords and appealing your target market. Studies have shown that a good choice of headings can boost conversion rate as much as 30 percent.
  • Keep it simple
Simple and appealing web designs play a key role in enhancing conversion rate. Visitor wants stay on pages offering quick navigations with limited page options and interesting content. If page is too much saturated with the hell of irrelevant stuff people will click off it as quickly as possible. Simple designs also have a lot of other benefits like; they require small bandwidth, easy to design and maintain. A simple web design can improve conversion rate up-to 2o percent.
  • Identify Your USP
One of the most important points is to know about your Unique Selling Point (USP) that eventually stands you apart from your competitors. Visitor can easily navigate on web to have best options for his choice and you will have to offer something different to convince him why should he buy your services or product. USPs can be numerous like excellent customer services, extremely low rates, free delivery, customer support and a lot more. Tell your visitor about yours that will eventually result in an increased conversion rate.
Another great one is to add consumer reviews on your website. It will not only beneficial for increasing conversion rate but will also have a great impact on your website SEO.

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