Friday, 22 December 2017

Basic Use of Conceptual Framework for Development

Companies implement different frameworks and best practices considering it as a base with the objective to improve the project management success rate and improvethe business adaptability to the changing business environment. Agile as “Project management framework” and Scrum as “Development framework” proved in many cases that they can meet these objectives. Though, both the frameworks are based on different principles and the use of both frameworks together should be carefully considered.
A huge amount of money and effort has been invested by companies into setting up their project management background and progression that follow the classical segmented approach where requirements are defined straight and fixed. But companies wish for to respond more quickly to advanced global challenges and to the changing in the business development environment. These business provisions then result in the failure of many running projects.
For all these global challenges, there is a need to improve the current project management environment so that it is more “Agile” and “Adoptive” to changes.
The objective of all this discussion is to create a conceptual framework that comprehensive ideologies and methods from both frameworks (Agile and Scrum) with importance on their use in web development projects. Project managers must have a better understanding of agile development principles and the knowledge of how it fits in the classic project management framework. Finally, a better understanding of frameworks helps product developers to work in more agile ways and endure in the controlled and compound project environment. For the corporate management companies, these specific frameworks help to set up agile software products and development projects.


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